Please phone Monday to Thursday between 10am and 3pm if you need help.
**NEW** BFO Provincial has made a small video to help explain what we do and how we can help you.
Please click here to play the video.
Please note:
• No entry to anyone experiencing any Covid -19 related symptoms
• All visitors please use hand sanitizer upon entering the office
Bereaved Families of Ontario–Durham Region is a non-profit organization which has been supporting families in the Durham Region for 25 years.
This organization provides support programs to bereaved parents, young adults and teens. These programs offer support where bereaved individuals can learn to live with their grief, decrease their sense of isolation and help adapt to everyday living.
BFO-Durham facilitates the development of self-help/mutual aid support services and resources for families with a unique focus on the death of a child.
Newly bereaved parents are often apprehensive to contact us as they do not know what to expect. When you first contact us by phone, Jane Carter, our Executive Director will put you at ease, assuring you that we can help. She may ask a few questions, but she will especially listen to you. Should you decide to visit in our office, she will further explain what to expect; it is important to note that our services are free to all members..
948 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario L1G 4W2
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